# One Book Rightly Divided

## Metadata
- Author: [[Douglas D Stauffer, Andrew B Ray]]
- Full Title: One Book Rightly Divided
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- If truths were easily grasped by all, there would be no controversy; and we would all probably build one tower of babel, thinking that our understanding of truth was something pleasing to God. Yet, maybe it is the Lord that allows our differences to scatter us so that no individual has a corner on the truth or gets placed upon the pedestal. ([Location 342](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B07L66FTY3&location=342))
- Bible teacher and pastor, David F. Reagan (now at home with the Saviour), once taught that a good way for a preacher to gauge his own spiritual maturity was to consider his center of focus. During the early days of a young and inexperienced preacher’s ministry, he tends to focus more upon himself (i.e., How do I look? Am I being accepted by my audience, etc.?). As he matures in the Lord, the preacher becomes more comfortable and begins to focus upon the message (i.e., Am I saying things right? Are the points coming together? Do I use this illustration here, etc.?). As the man of God gains experience and his preaching becomes more natural, he turns his focus toward his audience (i.e., Will they understand this? Will this impact them in the right way?). Finally, if the preacher continues to spiritually grow, he finds his focus squarely where it should be—upon the Lord (i.e., Is this sermon pleasing to the Lord? Is my heart right with Him? Do I intentionally glorify and honor Him without seeking personal glory?). ([Location 367](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B07L66FTY3&location=367))