# Mystery Babylon, Book 1 ![rw-book-cover](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91nI0rVDiBL._SY160.jpg) ## Metadata - Author: [[Jamie Lee Grey]] - Full Title: Mystery Babylon, Book 1 - Category: #books ## Highlights - Well, a man could want a lot of things… but he should be thankful for what the Lord had given him. ([Location 263](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=263)) - Some of the best sources, though, were the truly traitorous Americans who were ideologically aligned with the communists, and stupidly wanted to see their country capsize so it could be “built back better.” ([Location 320](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=320)) - Historically speaking, a revolution always eats its own. ([Location 324](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=324)) - The country had already been gutted by decades of hybrid warfare perpetrated by the Chinese and assisted by the Russians. As a direct result of these efforts, the U.S. economy was in shambles, their society was at war with itself, their government was in wild disarray, and their utilities and supply lines had been stretched far beyond the breaking point. ([Location 333](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=333)) - Now, American communists had seized control of a major political party, all the federal agencies, many churches, most schools and nearly all universities. Not to mention the military and the court system. ([Location 340](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=340)) - On social media, Americans told the entire world about the minutiae of their boring lives – from photos of their meals to any hair-brained thought that entered their dull minds. They broadcast it all, giving no thought to where it might end up or how it might expose them later. ([Location 648](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=648)) - Truth and facts were always flexible in totalitarian regimes. Facts and falsehood were solely determined by the Party, which could change its stance from one week to the next. Woe to the fool who did not keep abreast of current Party pronouncements! ([Location 841](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=841)) - He generally rejected coincidences in favor of conspiracies, especially as they pertained to politics, war, money and international relations. The history of the world was a history of grand conspiracies. Whoever didn’t understand that was an uneducated idiot. ([Location 1046](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=1046)) - Sundays were usually his favorite day of the week, and this was no exception. Sometimes he went to town to participate in fellowship, but other Sundays, he spent quietly at home with the Lord. He avoided large projects on this day, choosing instead to focus on the Lord’s resurrection and triumph over death on the first day of the week. Work would commence on Monday, the second day of the week, and he usually did work six days a week. ([Location 1357](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B09DHGWL5L&location=1357))