# Living in His Victory ![rw-book-cover](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71gwQrMdmpL._SY160.jpg) ## Metadata - Author: [[Larry Schroeder]] - Full Title: Living in His Victory - Category: #books ## Highlights - We have to ask ourselves: If Jesus used miracles to confirm His Word and the first-century preachers needed their message confirmed with signs and wonders, who do we think we are that we don’t need the miraculous power of God to confirm our preaching? Especially when we live in a society in which Satan and his demonic helpers are having such great success in destroying peoples’ lives. Our public schools teach as early as kindergarten that there is no God. They believe that evolution is how humans came to be. Millions of students get hammered with this every year they are in school, including college. Because of this, we absolutely need the power of God to show society that there is a “living God!” ([Location 75](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=75)) - The purpose of this book is to give you ammunition and battle strategies for when you or your family are attacked. Notice I didn’t say “if” you are attacked. Christian or not, Satan has one goal for every human being: to steal, kill, and destroy them and their loved ones before they can have any kind of impact on God’s kingdom. There is a real enemy, and it is clear in scripture that he has an army of sorts to help do his bidding, and John 10:10 is clear on what that bidding is. However, the believer has the ultimate weapon—the death star of weapons if you will—we have the Word of God! ([Location 83](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=83)) - Based on scripture, it is clear to me that our Lord wanted us to be aware of the enemy and his tactics. There are many scriptures that would attest to this fact. There is a great need for information found in books like this one! The enemy has had too much success in creating havoc in people’s lives because they are ignorant of the enemy’s ways of waging war! Here are just a few verses. ([Location 100](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=100)) - Let me boldly claim that our loving Father doesn’t want us to struggle with finances, marriage, church, job, and health. He wants to bless all areas of our lives. ([Location 154](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=154)) - Scripture tells us that if we have repentant hearts, God uses our poor decisions, our sinful behavior, and habits to teach, grow, and mature us so that we can represent Christ and be a light and encouragement to others. ([Location 160](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=160)) - This book is written for people that are personally struggling against the attacks of the enemy and desire to fight for victory. It is also for people that are contending for loved ones that are so influenced by the enemy that they are not seeking victory for themselves. ([Location 218](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=218)) - It is so important to meditate on the scriptures and speak both the scriptures and prayers at the end of each chapter out loud, every day or even several times a day. Meditating means reading the scripture and pondering on it. Think about what it is saying. Ask the Holy Spirit for new understanding of that particular scripture. Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The more you fill your heart and mind with the Word of God, the more your faith will grow. It is also true that God’s Word does not come back void. As you speak and pray through scripture, just know that His Word is accomplishing what He wants it to do. ([Location 224](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=224)) - I believe that there are five keys to victory over anything the enemy brings against you. In the ensuing chapters, you will learn how these five keys will help lead you to victory: Speaking/praying the Word of God. ([Location 232](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=232)) - Praising God in all situations. Praising God shows the enemy that he can’t persuade you to blame God. It shows that you have no fear and that your trust is in Him. Communion. Taking communion is a way to recognize and honor what Jesus did for us. Through His sacrifice, He purchased our freedom and forgiveness of sins. Communion is God’s ordained channel of healing and wholeness. Understanding what power there is in the name of Jesus. The name of Jesus Christ is a powerful name that is above every other name (Phil. 2:9–11). Jesus’ name has authority over anything the devil tries to bring against you. Prayer and fasting. Invite God to move in your situation through intercessory prayer. Fasting is a way to increase your focus on God. It helps to take your eyes off of self and intensify your focus on God. ([Location 235](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=235)) - One of the most powerful things we can do when we and/or our family members face persecution is to praise our Lord. Praise Him with joy in our hearts. Worship Him with songs. This is a fantastic way to let the enemy know we will not be trifled with and that we are not afraid. It lets him know that we are walking in faith, not fear. ([Location 321](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B0BL22FPRY&location=321))