# Learn the Bible in 24 Hours

## Metadata
- Author: [[Chuck Missler]]
- Full Title: Learn the Bible in 24 Hours
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- There is only one Book on earth, only one Book in the history of mankind that can answer those cosmic questions and demonstrate its transcendence over time and space. It has the audacity to hang its credibility and authenticity on its record of recording history before it happens. Only one Book holds the key to your eternal destiny: the ultimate love story, written in blood on a wooden cross erected in Judea some two thousand years ago. ([Location 114](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00BGHY5SO&location=114))
- The poet Henry Van Dyke wrote: Born in the East and clothed in Oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks the ways of the world with familiar feet and enters land after land to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of man. Children listen to its stories with wonder and delight, and wise men ponder them as parables of life. The wicked and the proud tremble at its warnings, but to the wounded and penitent it has a mother’s voice. It has woven itself into our dearest dreams; so that Love, Friendship, Sympathy, Devotion, Memory, Hope, put on the beautiful garments of its treasured speech. No man is poor or desolate who has this treasure for his own. When the landscape darkens, and the trembling pilgrim comes to the Valley of the Shadow, he is not afraid to enter; he takes the rod and staff of Scripture in his hand; he says to friend and comrade, “Goodbye; We Shall Meet Again”; and, comforted by that support, he goes toward the lonely pass as one who walks through darkness into light. ([Location 129](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00BGHY5SO&location=129))
- First, although the Bible consists of sixty-six separate books penned by over forty authors over a period of several thousand years, it is an integrated message system. Every passage, every word, every number, and every place name is there for a specific reason. A skillful design pervades the whole. ([Location 141](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00BGHY5SO&location=141))
- The second foundation is that this message system is from outside our dimensions of space and time. It is literally of extraterrestrial origin. Third, every word and every phrase of the Bible turns around a central theme. The Old Testament theme is the account of a nation—its origin, destiny, ups and downs, and its history yet to unfold. The New Testament is the account of a man, the Creator of the universe whose appearance is the central event of all history. ([Location 143](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00BGHY5SO&location=143))