# Fervent

## Metadata
- Author: [[Priscilla Shirer]]
- Full Title: Fervent
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- We simply don’t have the luxury of playing nice with prayer. Not if we want things to change. Not if we want to be free—from whatever’s keeping us held down and held back. Not if we want our hearts whole and thriving and deep and grounded . . . different. Not if we want to reach our destinies and experience God’s promises. Not if we want our husbands and children living out what God has called them to do and be and become. Not if we want a fence of God’s protection around us. Not if we want to bear the unmistakable mark of His favor upon us. Not if we want the devil and his plans to go back to the hell where they came from. ([Location 49](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=49))
- Praying with precision is key. When we pray about the places where we seriously suspect the enemy is at work—that’s how we keep our prayers focused, not only on particular situations but on biblical truths that are consistent with maintaining victory in the midst of them. ([Location 58](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=58))
- WE ARE in a battle. A battle with a long history that reaches back before the annals of time began. But it’s one in which the victor has already been determined. A battle, yes. But a losing battle? Not. Even. Possible. ([Location 67](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=67))
- Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all his ploys against you. ([Location 78](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=78))
- Strategies? Yes. Because as you may have noticed, the battles your enemy wages against you—especially the most acute, consistent ones—possess a personality to them, an intimate knowledge of who you are and the precise pressure points where you can most easily be taken down. Random accident? Lucky guess? I don’t think so. These areas of greatest fear and anxiety in your life are clues to some important spiritual information. They reveal, among other things, that a personalized strategy has been insidiously put in place to destroy your vibrancy and render you defeated. It’s been drawn up on the blackboard by someone who knows where you live and whom you love, knows your customary tendencies, and knows from long experience how best to exploit every single one of them. ([Location 89](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=89))
- So here’s what I’d say to you. Let’s start here. Praying for this. To recover and maintain your passion. To regain and sustain your cutting edge. ([Location 339](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B076HF43LG&location=339))