# Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag

## Metadata
- Author: [[Creek Stewart]]
- Full Title: Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- A Bug Out Bag (BOB) is a self-contained kit designed to get you through at least 72 hours of independent survival while on the journey to your destination, often called a Bug Out Location (BOL). This kit is also referred to as a 72-Hour Bag, a Get Out Of Dodge Bag (GOOD Bag), an EVAC Bag, a GO Bag and a Battle Box. Regardless of the name, a BOB is a well-thought-out 72-hour survival kit tailored specifically to meet the needs of you and your family. Bug Out Bags are prepared in advance of a disaster and are typically stored in your home ready for deployment at a moment’s notice. ([Location 170](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00888TOZI&location=170))
- This book is your complete guide from start to finish and everything in between about how to build your own Bug Out Bag capable of assisting you and your family through 72 hours of independent survival in the event that you choose to Bug Out. ([Location 176](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B00888TOZI&location=176))