# What “Caused” the Sex Abuse by the Teacher in a Tony Secular Boarding School and a Teacher/Coach in a Christian School?

## Metadata
- Author: [[dee]]
- Full Title: What “Caused” the Sex Abuse by the Teacher in a Tony Secular Boarding School and a Teacher/Coach in a Christian School?
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e7783ffe5ff-what-caused-the-sex-abuse-by-the-teacher-in-a-tony-secular-boarding-school-and-a-teachercoach-in-a-christian-school
## Highlights
- I have been asked by many the following question when I write about a child sex abuse situation in a church. “What is it about the theology that causes someone to do this?” Recently, I responded to this question in a new way: “Suppose a public school math teacher is exposed for sexually abusing a kid in their class. Would you ask what it was about the math curriculum that caused them to do this?” The point is this: I contend that a pedophile is already a pedophile, and their despicable activity has nothing to do with their position, their theology, or their curriculum.