# Time Blocking Using a Custom Template on the Onyx Boox Tab Ultra

## Metadata
- Author: [[Mike Schmitz]]
- Full Title: Time Blocking Using a Custom Template on the Onyx Boox Tab Ultra
- Category: #articles
- Summary: I’ve tried just about every time blocking method out there. I’ve done it Fantastical (my calendar app of choice), followed Shawn in planning my day using GoodNotes on my iPad using a custom template, experimented with time blocking in Obsidian, even crafted my own analog bullet-journal-based hybrid productivity system. For the past 6 months or […]
- URL: https://thesweetsetup.com/time-blocking-using-a-custom-template-on-the-onyx-boox-tab-ultra/?rm_ac=87964
## Highlights
- Time blocking on the Onyx Boox is pretty straightforward:
1. I look at my calendar for the next day the night before
2. I transfer all of my appointments onto my time blocked plan
3. I select 3-5 things to work on and schedule those tasks
4. I fill in the rest of the hours to give every hour a job
The most important thing to remember when time blocking is to *give every hour a job*. You want have an intention set for every hour of your day so you’re never stuck wondering “what should I be doing right now?” ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01h6441ep3zqfvhczszrd94y8e))
- I also make sure that I schedule the fun stuff. If you’re going to block every hour of your day, you need to have things on there that you are looking forward to ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01h6443dwte7tvtr85j7f2cxb0))
- I usually time block at the end of my day as part of my evening routine (I’ll also journal using the Onyx Boox during that time). Occasionally I miss, in which case I make my plan before I start working the next day. ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01h644941w92s2c87d6k17k2sm))