# Time Blocking Using a Custom Template on the Onyx Boox Tab Ultra ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article4.6bc1851654a0.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[Mike Schmitz]] - Full Title: Time Blocking Using a Custom Template on the Onyx Boox Tab Ultra - Category: #articles - URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e756138223c-time-blocking-using-a-custom-template-on-the-onyx-boox-tab-ultra ## Highlights - Time blocking on the Onyx Boox is pretty straightforward: I look at my calendar for the next day the night before I transfer all of my appointments onto my time blocked plan I select 3-5 things to work on and schedule those tasks I fill in the rest of the hours to give every hour a job The most important thing to remember when time blocking is to give every hour a job. You want have an intention set for every hour of your day so you’re never stuck wondering “what should I be doing right now?”