# Then: “Islamic Europe? Ridiculous!” Now: “Islamic Europe? Inevitable – And Terrific!”

## Metadata
- Author: [[Bruce Bawer]]
- Full Title: Then: “Islamic Europe? Ridiculous!” Now: “Islamic Europe? Inevitable – And Terrific!”
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/271087/then-islamic-europe-ridiculous-now-islamic-europe-bruce-bawer
## Highlights
- I described the rise of Islam in Western Europe, the failure of Muslims to integrate, and the consequent increase in gang crime, welfare dependency, forced marriage, sharia-run enclaves, and numerous other ills – the usual litany. Western Europe, I maintained, was undergoing a radical metamorphosis that, unless drastic action were taken, would ultimately bring its liberal democracies crashing down.