# Table Hosts vs. Open Invitation Banquets

## Metadata
- Author: [[Madison Hull]]
- Full Title: Table Hosts vs. Open Invitation Banquets
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e756de3ebd2-table-hosts-vs-open-invitation-banquets
## Highlights
- Develop Relationships with Table Hosts When choosing your table hosts, you should be very selective and only choose people you know are reliable donors with plenty of connections. Who you select as table hosts will directly play a role in the amount of funds you raise at your banquet. While it requires extra effort with the selection process and ongoing host communication, you have an opportunity to further invest in table hosts and strengthen those relationships. These individuals could be your go-to hosts for years to come, and if you show them your gratitude and the difference they are making, they will become even more dedicated to your mission. These donors can potentially consider donating assets, stocks, or even writing your organization into their wills if they become invested in your worthy mission. A banquet with table hosts will help you network with these top donors to begin building a foundation for long-term partnerships.