# Sketchnoting a Book in Obsidian

## Metadata
- Author: [[zsolt.blog]]
- Full Title: Sketchnoting a Book in Obsidian
- Category: #articles
- Document Tags: [[Liked]]
- URL: https://www.zsolt.blog/2021/07/sketchnoting-book-in-obsidian.html
## Highlights
- Progressive Summarization
Progressive summarization balances compression with maintaining context. The basic idea is to create a document that is short, searchable, and if I pick it up a couple of years from today, it will hold enough context to remind me of the key points I've learned from reading that book. It is the process of taking a book and creating a mini-summary or book-on-a-page sketch in such a way, that each step of the compression process is simple to execute and can be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time, spread across time, in the course of other work, and only doing as much or as little as the information deserves.
Tiago defines 5 layers of summarization, each layer simple to implement, and requiring limited effort. By building the layers one on top of the other, the end result is a powerful compression of the text. The beauty of the approach is that it maintains context throughout the process allowing for later drill down into my literature notes or even the book if required. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1486214741/18922600))