# Koenig's Eye View From the White House | Koenig's Eye View ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article1.be68295a7e40.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[watch.org]] - Full Title: Koenig's Eye View From the White House | Koenig's Eye View - Category: #articles - URL: https://www.watch.org/subscribers/koenigs-eye-view/article/106360 ## Highlights - Whatever was, is not anymore. We are turning from the America we’ve always known as a sovereign nation based on Judeo-Christian values, free and fair elections and a market economy. What are we becoming? An America that gives away her resources as part of some sort of government-run (THINK: fascist, communist, socialist mix where only the elite run free) global economy as dictated by an impending AI-based Fourth Industrial Revolution, powered by a centralized data system that will be run by corrupt global governance organizations that impinge tyrannical control over everything (HINT: even and especially your bank account) based on your recorded actions/attitudes toward the very social issues that divide us today. If that leap is too much to digest, think carefully about what’s already happening today and see that those lines are being drawn. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1624656179/22878581)) - In Chicago, there is a mass shooting every weekend. But Chicago is run by Democrats. Chicago is among the most stringent gun-controlled cities in America. Chicago bans assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Chicago has a licensing requirement for gun owners. Chicago has a red-flag law and a 72-hour waiting period on gun purchases. As of July 25, 330 people have been killed in Chicago this year, according to the Sun Times homicide tracker. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1624656179/22878615))