# I Was a Task Management App Addict ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article2.74d541386bbf.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[Ellane W]] - Full Title: I Was a Task Management App Addict - Category: #articles - URL: https://medium.com/p/92396f23ece5 ## Highlights - When everyone is raving about an app or a system, find out who “everyone” is. What do they have in common? Does that sound like you? If you’re a trapezoidal peg, don’t force yourself into a pentagonal hole. - The excitement I felt when changing systems came from actually doing something while procrastinating what I should have been doing. Seeing my tasks from a fresh perspective gave me a euphoric high. That feeling became a drug. - Well, it didn’t take long to get used to the new format, and before long I’d feel demotivated and discouraged. - I can’t tell you exactly how it happened, but a moment of clarity dawned and one day I saw that I was behaving like an addict. Realizing that the problem lay with me rather than with the system was the first step toward freedom.