# How I Screwed Up My Planning Last Quarter — And the Lesson I Learned

## Metadata
- Author: [[Jim Eagar]]
- Full Title: How I Screwed Up My Planning Last Quarter — And the Lesson I Learned
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e75264ba724-how-i-screwed-up-my-planning-last-quarter-and-the-lesson-i-learned
## Highlights
- My Lesson Learned — Don’t Plan to Launch More Than One Major Project in a Quarter Recognizing how I screwed up by planning to do too much in one quarter led me to the lesson to be learned. The lesson learned for me is that I shouldn’t launch two major projects in the same quarter. In this case, I tried to add an extra blog post each week, and at the same time start working on a major book project. Dumb! My lesson learned — “Plan only one major project at a time.”
- “Affective Forecasting” leads us to give our future selves too much work because we underestimate “how much our emotional and physical states will affect our future decisions and ability to do the things we want to do.”
- I’ve found it helps me to make almost all of my plans for only one quarter at a time, not an entire year. 12 weeks sounds like (and is) a lot less time than 52 weeks. By restricting my plans to 12-week periods, I’m usually more realistic about what I might be able to accomplish during that limited period.
- The proper response to making a mistake is to treat yourself with kindness and graciousness, say “Oh well,” and start again. Soundtracks, by Jon Acuff.