# God’s Sovereignty in Dark Times - CultureWatch

## Metadata
- Author: [[billmuehlenberg.com]]
- Full Title: God’s Sovereignty in Dark Times - CultureWatch
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://billmuehlenberg.com/2023/03/26/gods-sovereignty-in-dark-times/
## Highlights
- “With hell breaking out all over the earth, we have 3 options:
1-There is no God and crap happens.
2-There is a God but he is powerless to do anything, so crap just happens.
3-There is a God and he is in control, working out his purposes, and we must have faith and trust in dark times.
I have to go with 3.” ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1591601846/22169901))