# Endorse This

## Metadata
- Author: [[Scott Johnson]]
- Full Title: Endorse This
- Category: #articles
- Summary: The Washington Post has announced it will not endorse a presidential candidate this year. Post publisher and chief executive officer William Lewis posted his statement explaining the non-endorsement on Friday. Lewis made the case that the Post was reverting to an old policy whose wisdom he defended. Consternation — consternation among the laborers on the news and editorial staff — has ensued. They feel that ownership is letting democracy die
- URL: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/10/endorse-this.php
## Highlights
- The Washington Post has announced it will not endorse a presidential candidate this year. Post publisher and chief executive officer William Lewis posted [his statement](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/25/washington-post-endorsement/) explaining the non-endorsement on Friday. Lewis made the case that the Post was reverting to an old policy whose wisdom he defended. ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01jb7tv4s8hskc0s88kgrqcf7k))