# Derangement of a Never Trumper

## Metadata
- Author: [[John Hinderaker]]
- Full Title: Derangement of a Never Trumper
- Category: #articles
- Summary: David French’s current New York Times column is the manifesto of a self-described Never Trumper. French recounts the four lessons he claims to have learned from his nine years of opposition to Trump. They seem to me to be deeply deluded. Lesson number one is that “Community is more powerful than ideology.” French’s point here is that Trump is not a Reaganite purist, but nevertheless has been embraced by the
- URL: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/10/derangement-of-a-never-trumper.php
## Highlights
- David French’s [current New York Times column](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/27/opinion/never-trump-maga-evangelicals.html?unlocked_article_code=1.VU4.7iHw.z7LMXQQYw6l9&smid=url-share#) is the manifesto of a self-described Never Trumper. French recounts the four lessons he claims to have learned from his nine years of opposition to Trump. They seem to me to be deeply deluded. ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01jb7tp641s8mfe94tw0h07dwm))
- French wants specifics? This could be a book, but let’s just name two big, and recent, things that made us angry: First, the Russia collusion hoax, in which French’s paper participated enthusiastically. That was the most significant political scandal in our nation’s history. Second, the coordinated suppression of information about Joe Biden’s political corruption in the weeks before the 2020 election. Again, that was a deception in which the New York Times was a key participant. If French wants more specifics, he can call me. ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01jb7tsgpz8j9s554p6mv5y7rh))