# Calling the Election of Trump ‘Evil,’ John Piper Reminds Christians Why He’s Not Trusted ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article2.74d541386bbf.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[Breanna Claussen]] - Full Title: Calling the Election of Trump ‘Evil,’ John Piper Reminds Christians Why He’s Not Trusted - Category: #articles - URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e77aa6bb623-calling-the-election-of-trump-evil-john-piper-reminds-christians-why-hes-not-trusted ## Highlights - After months of prayer and Christian leaders calling Believers to action, the American people earlier this month voted decisively to reject the anti-America and anti-God policies of the Democrat party and elect Donald Trump. It was a victory for the unborn, for children, for national security, for Biblical morality, for Israel, and for the church. And yet, well-known pastor John Piper was less than pleased with the results, referring to the re-election of Trump as an “evil.” “Presidential election results. Having delivered us from one evil, God now tests us with another,” Piper wrote on X. - It is the fault of many pastors, who instruct their flocks to view elections with apathy, that many evangelicals over the years have neglected to stand and uphold Biblical truth in their nation by voting. Church leaders had a direct role in forging this atmosphere of indifference. - In an article written by Piper, the preacher claimed Christians “should not be partial to Israel or to the Palestinians.” Referring to Israel as “treacherous, treasonous people against God,” he insisted that “a people in treason” have no legitimate claim to God’s covenant promises, including as it pertains to the land. With comments like that, I am left wondering why so many in the church still hold Piper in high regard.