# Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule

## Metadata
- Author: [[Shawn Blanc]]
- Full Title: Benjamin Franklin’s Daily Schedule
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://shawnblanc.net/2016/02/benjamin-franklins-daily-schedule/
## Highlights
- He had only six blocks of time scheduled each day:
Getting ready for the day: shower, breakfast, personal study, and prepare for work (3 hours)
Morning work (4 hours)
Review of current projects and to eat lunch (2 hours)
Afternoon work (4 hours)
Dinner and rest and wrapping up the day (4 hours)
Sleep (7 hours)
So simple yet still structured and helpful. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1591603344/22169759))
- A schedule, just like a financial budget, is there for the purpose of serving my goals. A schedule makes sure the minutes don’t get away from me. It helps me keep from squandering my time. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1591603344/22169762))
- What is margin if not a constraint that keeps us from overflowing our borders? It is by living with constraint that we are enabled to do our best creative work. ([View Highlight](https://instapaper.com/read/1591603344/22169769))