# Behind the Left’s Hitler Hysteria ![rw-book-cover](https://www.powerlineblog.com/favicon.ico) ## Metadata - Author: [[Steven Hayward]] - Full Title: Behind the Left’s Hitler Hysteria - Category: #articles - Summary: The left probably really does believe that Trump is “literally” (as The Atlantic literally put it) Hitler, but the handful of adults in the Democratic playroom surely know that this hoary charge has lost its sting, because it is preposterous. So why did Harris herself make the charge?  I have a theory that so far I’ve not seen advanced. I think it is being done to shore up a small - URL: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/10/behind-the-lefts-hitler-hysteria.php ## Highlights - With the election possibly coming down to a margin of a few thousand votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, Harris can’t afford any attrition among progressive and young voters who ought to be in her pocket. Playing the Hitler Card is a desperate attempt to keep these voters from defecting or not voting at all. ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01jb7tkag8p7pq2j6bthz2wbgr)) - The closing weeks of this campaign are giving off distinct 1968 vibes, when the New Left heckled Hubert Humphrey repeatedly at his rallies, just as Harris is facing pro-Hamas hecklers now. I recall speaking with Peter Collier about the 1968 protest scene once, asking, “Weren’t you concerned about electing Nixon [who was also Hitler]?” Peter said, “Nah—we didn’t care about Nixon. We thought he was irrelevant at worst, and if anything might bring about the revolution sooner. Our main target was the Democratic Party.” Recall Tom Hayden’s proclaimed objective for the New Left at that same time: “To murder liberalism in its official robes.” ([View Highlight](https://read.readwise.io/read/01jb7tn140xggspmn9jye9x7ny))