# Achieving Stillness in the Turmoil of Life With Ryan Holiday ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article1.be68295a7e40.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[curtismchale.ca]] - Full Title: Achieving Stillness in the Turmoil of Life With Ryan Holiday - Category: #articles - URL: https://curtismchale.ca/2019/11/27/achieving-stillness-in-the-turmoil-of-life-with-ryan-holiday ## Highlights - Lust is a destroyer of peace in our lives: Lust for a beautiful person. Lust for an orgasm. Lust for someone other than the one we’ve committed to be with. 11 - And as any seasoned captain of the seas of life can tell you, what’s happening on the surface of the water doesn’t matter — it’s what’s going on below that will kill you. 9 - Holiday offers great questions as we lust after things: “What is the consequence of getting that which I lust after?” and “Will I really feel good if I get it?” and “At what point will I be satisfied with what I have and who I am?”14 For many the question reveals that they’ll feel good for a moment, only to feel terrible after and then be in a cycle of chasing that good feeling again as a way to get away from the bad aftermath.