# A Warning to the World ![rw-book-cover](https://readwise-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/static/images/article4.6bc1851654a0.png) ## Metadata - Author: [[Darrell Castle]] - Full Title: A Warning to the World - Category: #articles - URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e756dc5007c-a-warning-to-the-world ## Highlights - There is a world war against humanity and we are the enemies of those who seek its destruction. My own opinion is that every western political regime is committed to an anti-human agenda. They do it for money of course, but mainly to centralize power and institute a planetary dictatorship. It’s being done under the auspices of the World Economic Forum which calls it the Great Reset, and the United Nations and its various divisions which calls it Agenda 2030. They know that their plans cannot succeed while people still have faith in God, therefore, they endeavor to erase God from the minds of the people and I believe that is what attracted the archbishop to the struggle. - Fortunately, the WEF, and the UN are not being secretive about their plans to enslave us just as tyrants and dictators and those who dream of a world controlled by them have done before. Adolf Hitler wrote of his exact plans while in prison in his book, Mein Kampf. He warned the German people of what he had planned for them, but they elected him chancellor anyway. I pray that we will heed the words of our would-be dictators and not make the same mistake the Germans did. - The report is entitled “The Future of Urban Consumption In a 1.5 Degree Centigrade World.” I have the report here in front of me and I have read it so you don’t have to although I encourage each one of you to read it and share this information with at least one person you love. Do you know what 1.5 centigrade is in our American Fahrenheit world, 34.7 degrees. Yes, that is correct, these people want a world where we live and maintain 34.7 degrees as an average annual temperature to keep the planet from heating up.