# A Question of Evil

## Metadata
- Author: [[Jeff Nyquist]]
- Full Title: A Question of Evil
- Category: #articles
- URL: https://www.inoreader.com/article/3a9c6e756ec5ea1e-a-question-of-evil
## Highlights
- And then I saw communists operating in our universities, deploying the same arrogance in America that killed 14.5 million in Ukraine. Our academic communists have been working to make a Soviet republic out of comfortable people whose chief conceit was, “It can’t happen here.” Yet it can, and it will happen here — in some form or another. And these comfortable people, who were unconcerned about the suffering behind the Iron Curtain, had no sense of where they were headed. Their many compromises with the communists of China and Russia would be their undoing. I was convinced that nothing would get them to change course. They were blind, deaf, and dumb. And they still are.