[[Cultural Marxism]] Because of cultural Marxism’s inroads into the education system, many of America’s youth have already been raised on a diet of ideas that directly undermine the American Founding. They are not taught that all people are created equal; they are taught that some people are racially privileged due to structural racism. They are not taught individual rights so much as group rights. They are not taught that the United States, with its free markets and property rights, has brought more prosperity to more people than any other nation on earth. They are not taught that generation after generation has worked to achieve the Founders’ ideal that all men are created equal. They are taught that America is systemically racist, that its very laws were designed to uphold something called white supremacy—which refers not to the vile notion that the white race is supreme, but to all Western traditions, codes, societal arrangements, laws, and norms. Many Americans are today experiencing firsthand the effect of the poison that is being fed to their children in schools. The majority of Americans pays thousands of dollars in taxes to have their children indoctrinated in public schools and universities. Another significant portion of the population is paying additional thousands, even tens of thousands, to have their children indoctrinated in private schools and universities. And nearly all parents are allowing their children to be continually bombarded with these same anti-American, anti-reality, counter-factual ideas through movies, television shows, books, comics, games, social media, search engines, and the news feed on their iPhones. Source: How Cultural Marxism Threatens the United States (Gonzalez & Gorka, 2022). ---