Title: Prayer As A Gospel-Centered Priority
Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-6
Date: 01/19/2025
Speaker: Pastor Evan Johnson
Location: Cornerstone Baptist Church, Ankeny
Length: 31 min
Evan Johnson emphasized the importance of prayer as a gospel-centered priority, urging the congregation to view their role in the kingdom of God as a spiritual battle. He referenced 1 Timothy 2:1-6, highlighting the need to pray for all people, including leaders, for peace, and for salvation. Johnson stressed that a gospel-centered church must prioritize prayer, as it aligns with God's heart and mission. He encouraged the congregation to pray fervently for the salvation of the lost and to see their lives as a mission for God, emphasizing that prayer is essential for effectiveness in their faith and mission.
## Action Items
- [ ] Prioritize prayer in your personal life and as a church.
- [ ] Pray fervently for lost people, including family, friends, and neighbors, by name.
- [ ] Pray for leaders in the government, community, and church, regardless of political affiliation.
## Outline
### Understanding Gospel-Centered Prayer
- Evan Johnson introduces the topic of prayer as a gospel-centered priority, emphasizing the importance of understanding the term "gospel-centered."
- He highlights the prevalence of the term in various Christian resources and expresses a desire to define it clearly for the congregation.
- Evan mentions an upcoming four-part sermon series on the gospel-centered church, focusing on worship, community, discipleship, and mission.
- He stresses that prayer is foundational to all these aspects and that a praying community is essential for effectiveness in their mission.
### Defining a Gospel-Centered Church
- Evan references [Joe Thorn's definition of a gospel-centered church](https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Church-Gospels-History-Message-ebook/dp/B01BL30HI4/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LrBm43_lYgySvl2GZ9AnrhiCC4TA5O0_2efmhtivVzQ8kSW3igNxFqKphjxWovPMhdfSQzJ8Ow3qOz562FxCw6Fx4rMnvCaE-cHsOi7HkMSv-d9ZIjAglX5hPb-kchuyrx1skN2pAiYet-rpHbB9zqjbW9vELGbIvGTGWrrwgZ9KBOprX2lklHz7sELk8j18FoSAKYSUBAe6acbUCSZ0_Q2Rmzv4ziNfX3ygaKGqsOg.K8vEauLRwLWerXna4czLALuxTIAwyuHnaez_6wTrmlE&qid=1737331015&sr=8-2), which focuses on Jesus above everything else.
- He contrasts a gospel-centered church with an issue-driven church, emphasizing the need for churches to prioritize the gospel.
- Evan warns against becoming distracted by programs or culturally relevant ideologies and stresses the importance of keeping Christ at the center.
- He encourages the congregation to view their roles in the kingdom of God as being at war, using the analogy of being soldiers in a spiritual battle.
### The Importance of Prayer in the Spiritual Battle
- Evan shares a personal anecdote about his high school hockey coach, who taught him valuable life lessons beyond the sport.
- He draws a parallel between being prepared for a hockey game and being prepared for spiritual battle, emphasizing the need for communication with the commander (God).
- Evan recounts an experience from military training where communication failure highlighted the importance of staying connected with commanders.
> [!NOTE] John Piper
> Prayer is a wartime communication, not a peacetime intercom.
### Viewing Life as a Spiritual Battle
- Evan asks the congregation to reflect on their role in the kingdom of God and encourages them to view their lives as being at war.
- He references Genesis and Ephesians to illustrate the cosmic battle for the soul of God's creation and the need to put on the armor of God.
- Evan emphasizes that being a prayer warrior and sin slayer involves actively engaging in spiritual battle and seeking to put sin to death.
- He challenges the congregation to change their perspective from merely surviving to being on mission for God, fighting against the kingdom of darkness.
### Praying for All People
- Evan begins to break down 1 Timothy 2:1-6, starting with the command to pray for all people, including those in high positions.
- He explains that praying for all people aligns our hearts with God's heart and challenges the congregation to pray for those they may not naturally like.
- Evan highlights the importance of praying for leaders, even those with whom we disagree, and encourages continuous prayer for all people.
- He emphasizes that praying for leaders, whether in the church, community, or government, is crucial for the peace and stability needed for the proclamation of the gospel.
### Praying for Peace
- Evan explains that praying for peace is essential because peace is the platform for the proclamation of the gospel.
- He contrasts the freedom to share the gospel in the U.S. with the challenges faced in other countries where it is illegal.
- Evan encourages the congregation to pray for peace in their nation and for leaders to make laws that reflect God's image.
- He stresses that peace allows the church to operate freely and effectively, sharing the gospel without fear of repercussion.
### Praying Prayers that Please God
- Evan discusses the importance of praying prayers that please God, as stated in verse three of 1 Timothy 2.
- He explains that living a life of peace and prayer aligns us with God's heart and opens up opportunities for fruitful ministry.
- Evan emphasizes that praying prayers that please God involves being in harmony with His will and engaging in the mission He has given us.
- He encourages the congregation to prioritize praying prayers that please God, as it aligns our hearts with His and brings about His will.
### Praying for Salvation
- Evan moves on to the final section of 1 Timothy 2:4-6, focusing on the importance of praying for the salvation of the lost.
- He challenges the congregation to pray specifically for lost people by name and to pray that they would come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Evan highlights the importance of praying for the salvation of family members, neighbors, and others in our community.
- He emphasizes that praying for the salvation of the lost aligns with God's desire for all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
### Conclusion and Call to Action
- Evan concludes by encouraging the congregation to prioritize prayer in their lives and to view it as essential to their faith and mission.
- He shares that the deacons and leadership of the church pray for the congregation every Sunday morning, demonstrating their commitment to prayer.
- Evan challenges the congregation to be a people who prioritize prayer, recognizing that they can do nothing apart from God's intervention.
- He prays for the congregation, asking for their focus, strength, and guidance in their prayer lives, and concludes the sermon.