Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist. He is one of the most influential figures in linguistics in the 20th and 21st century, and he is also widely recognized for his extensive work in political activism and criticism of U.S. and global politics.
### **Early Life and Education**
Avram Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Jewish immigrants. He showed an early interest in languages and began learning Hebrew as a child.
Chomsky enrolled in the [[University of Pennsylvania]] in 1945, where he studied linguistics, mathematics, and philosophy. He completed his Ph.D. in linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania in 1955.
### **Academic Career and Contributions to Linguistics**
After finishing his Ph.D., Chomsky joined the faculty of the [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)]] in 1955, and in 1961, he became a full professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, a position he held until his retirement in 2002. He is now Institute Professor Emeritus at MIT.
Chomsky revolutionized the field of linguistics by proposing the theory of transformational-generative grammar. This theory suggests that the structure of language is biologically innate and the same in all humans (termed Universal Grammar), with differences in linguistic performance being largely due to surface-level variations across languages.
### **Political Activism and Criticism**
Apart from his work in linguistics, Chomsky is known globally for his political commentary and criticism. He is a tireless critic of U.S. foreign policy, neoliberal economic policies, and mainstream media.
Chomsky's political views are often associated with anarchism and libertarian socialism. He is a strong advocate for freedom of speech, workers' rights, and democratic institutions. His critiques extend to global power dynamics and he is known for his staunch criticism of abuses of power.
He has written many books on these subjects, including "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" (1988, with Edward S. Herman), which argues that corporate-owned news media act as propaganda systems that protect and propagate the agendas of the elite.
### **Legacy**
Chomsky's influence spans multiple disciplines including linguistics, philosophy, cognitive science, political science, and media studies. Despite his critiques often being contentious, he remains a leading voice of dissent against socio-political inequities globally. His work continues to stimulate debate and inspire movements for intellectual freedom, social justice, and political engagement.
[[Noam Chomsky and Jeffrey Epstein]]