# K-Rations Update for June 28, 2010: An Open Letter from Jon Voight to President Obama
## Summary
- **Actor Jon Voight's open letter to President Obama.** [0:00](https://otter.ai/u/gHlCRIIaPAyM3s6HG8jOPjjAOCM?tab=summary&t=1s)
- Jon Voight wrote an open letter to Obama, accusing him of lying to Jewish and American people.
- **Israel and anti-Semitism.** [1:17](https://otter.ai/u/gHlCRIIaPAyM3s6HG8jOPjjAOCM?tab=summary&t=78s)
- Jon Voight criticizes US foreign policy towards Israel, accusing it of promoting anti-Semitism and harming the country.
- **Political agendas and their impact on society.** [2:42](https://otter.ai/u/gHlCRIIaPAyM3s6HG8jOPjjAOCM?tab=summary&t=163s)
- John Voight expresses concern for America and Israel, urging a stop to the destruction.
- **Political corruption and spiritual priorities.** [4:08](https://otter.ai/u/gHlCRIIaPAyM3s6HG8jOPjjAOCM?tab=summary&t=248s)
- Chuck Missler expresses frustration with the lack of outrage over perceived lawlessness in the US government, particularly under the Obama administration.
- Missler emphasizes the importance of focusing on one's king and letting go of obsolete loyalties in order to prepare for the nearing salvation.
## Transcript
This is the K rations global intelligence update for June 28 of The Year 2010.
And as most of you know, I usually take advantage of the staff that prepares some little updates from our intelligence database and what have you to make these little updates. And I'm departing from what the staff had prepared for me tonight. Because I encountered something much simpler, more direct. Instead of going through the thing I had planned to do that they had planned for me to do, I'm going to simply share with you a letter, an open letter written to President Obama, by an actor you probably are well acquainted with by the name of Jon Voight.
Jon Voight wrote an open letter to the President on June 22, of 2010. That struck me so strongly, I thought, that I'm going to use that for the update today rather than what had been prepared. So it's simply a letter that I thought you needed to hear by Jon Voight.
President Obama,
You will be the first American president that lied to the Jewish people, and the American people as well, when you said that you would defend Israel, the only democratic state in the Middle East against all their enemies.
You have done just the opposite. You have propagandized Israel, until they look like they are everyone's enemy. And it has resonated throughout the world. You are putting Israel in harm's way, and you have promoted anti-semitism throughout the world.
You have brought this to a people who have given the world the 10 Commandments. and most of the laws that we live by today.
The Jewish people have given the world our greatest scientists and philosophers, and the cures for many diseases. And now you play a very dangerous game, so that you can look like a true martyr to what you see and say are the underdogs.
But the underdogs you defend our murderers and criminals who want Israel eradicated. You have brought Arizona a civil war, once again, defending the criminals and illegals, creating a meltdown for good, loyal, law-abiding citizens.
Your destruction of this country may never be remedied. And we may never recover. I pray to God you stop. And I hope the people in this great country realize that your agenda is not for the betterment of mankind but for the betterment of your politics.
With heartfelt and deep concern for America and Israel, Jon Voight.
I feel the same way. I see some thumbs up right.
When I encountered that this afternoon, I set aside what had been prepared for tonight and felt that that was so succinct, so on the money, so undeniable that it deserved to be posted from the masthead. I suspect it's going to get a lot of visibility across the country.
Because of travel conditions, I missed the latest meeting of the Council for National Policy. But I remember vividly giving a speech there some years ago as a spontaneous thing, but had an opportunity, and I just said, "Where's the outrage?""
That was in the Clinton years, and before the day was over, I was invited to a secret meeting, which turned out to be the beginning of an impeachment process. And I feel the same way today. Except I'm less optimistic today than I was back then.
I tend to be upset, not with Obama. He is what he is. He's a Sunni Muslim, and he's acting out the agenda that he, if you know anything about him, was committed to.
But I'm stunned as I ponder, where's the outrage? We've got felonies being executed throughout the administration that are explicitly grounds for impeachment in the law, bribes, and so forth.
We have that you know, there's one thing worse than law breakers. And that's the absence of laws called lawlessness. You want the formal name of that it is iniquity. It's what it means: lawlessness.
The protections that you and I take for granted, called the Constitution, have evaporated. No one takes it seriously. Where's the outrage? What shocks me about America is no one seems to care.
I almost feared by now, that people would be taking up arms and doing stupid things. It's really gone the other way. People seem to be just asleep. I don't know what the answer is. I stand here stunned.
For me, though, candidly, that's been emancipating. It's caused me to let go of some obsolete loyalties in order to focus on my king, which is obviously what I think preempts all of that.
And so, there is a passage in Romans 13 that speaks of rulers that are a terror to evil works. What happens when they are a terror to good works? That's the scary part.
But it gets down to verse 11, this is Paul speaking, and that "knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed everything about that."
Whatever distance it was to the rapture, it's not closer. How close, we don't know. But it's certainly closer.
Paul goes on to say the night is far spent, and the day is at hand. Let us, therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light.
At least for me, in my house, we're focusing on the coming King, and we're regarding all the other priorities that used to drive our lives as secondary or obsolete. That's really what it's all about.
So with that, let's that you and I turn to tonight's Bible study.