The Gartner Hype Cycle is a graphical representation of the maturity, adoption, and social application of specific technologies. It was developed by the technology research and consulting firm Gartner to help businesses understand the different phases a technology goes through from its initial introduction to its eventual mainstream adoption.   ![[gartner-hype-cycle.png]] The Hype Cycle is characterized by five key phases: 1. **Technology Trigger:** This is the initial phase where a new technology is introduced and generates significant interest and publicity. There is often a lot of hype and excitement surrounding the technology's potential, but it is still early in its development and may not have any proven practical applications. 2. **Peak of Inflated Expectations:** In this phase, the hype surrounding the technology reaches its peak, and expectations about its potential become inflated. There are often many success stories, but also many failures as companies try to implement the technology without fully understanding its limitations. 3. **Trough of Disillusionment:** In this phase, interest in the technology wanes as experiments and implementations fail to deliver on the inflated expectations. Many companies become disillusioned with the technology and abandon it altogether. 4. **Slope of Enlightenment:** In this phase, the technology begins to mature and its true potential becomes clearer. More instances of the technology's benefits start to crystallize and become more widely understood. Companies begin to adopt the technology more cautiously, with a better understanding of its capabilities and limitations. 5. **Plateau of Productivity:** In this phase, the technology reaches mainstream adoption and becomes widely used in various industries. The technology's benefits are well-established, and it is used to solve real-world problems and create value for businesses. The Gartner Hype Cycle is a valuable tool for businesses to understand the different phases a technology goes through and to make informed decisions about when and how to adopt new technologies. It is important to note that not all technologies go through all five phases of the Hype Cycle, and the time it takes for a technology to move through the different phases can vary significantly.