[[First Family Church]] These were First Family Church's Core Beliefs when I started working for the church in August 2010. # **Our Core Beliefs** _For a more complete doctrinal statement, see First Family’s Faith and Message - **We believe the Bible** is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct (2 Timothy 3:16-17). - **We believe** in the Genesis account of **creation** (Genesis 1:1). - **We believe** in **one** **God**, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). - **We believe** in **Jesus Christ**, His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, burial and bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father and His personal future return in power and glory (John 1:1; Matthew 1:23; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Acts 1:9, 11). - **We believe** in the sinfulness of man and the gift of **salvation by grace** through faith in Christ who shed His blood. This makes believers eternally secure in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23-25; 8:38-39). - **We believe** that the **Holy Spirit** indwells and enables the Christian to live a godly life (John 14:26-27). - **We believe** in the **resurrection of the dead**: the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to the resurrection of judgment (John 5:28-29). - **We believe** in the **church** as the body of Christ, which is composed of all believers who have accepted Christ as Savior (1 Corinthians 12:12-13). These have remained unchanged as of July 2023.