These 10 news stories, selected by both the editors of Baptist Press and a poll of Southern Baptist state publication editors, represent the most important stories of 2019.
1. Southern Baptists take action to curb sexual abuse in the Convention
2. Four new presidents elected to lead SBC entities
3. LifeWay closes brick-and-mortar stores in historic shift to new online strategy
4. Great Commission Giving surges throughout the Convention
5. SBC votes overwhelmingly to approve significant bylaw and constitutional changes
6. A flurry of pro-abortion and pro-life laws come before state legislatures nationwide after Supreme Court shifts
7. Mohler announced as 2020 presidential nominee
8. NAMB launches ‘Who’s Your One?’ emphasis
9. SBC president J.D. Greear appoints the most diverse committees in SBC history
10. Southwestern Seminary removes stained-glass windows commemorating the Conservative Resurgence