# Presentation: Rooting for Rivals (Chris Horst) The meeting focused on the challenges and opportunities in foster care, emphasizing the need for collaboration rather than competition among organizations. Chris Horst highlighted the scarcity in foster care, noting that only 35% of referrals are met. He discussed the success of the Bible translation sector's collaborative efforts, which accelerated the goal of translating the Bible into every language from 2150 to 2033. Horst encouraged fostering a kingdom-focused, abundance-minded approach, sharing examples of effective collaboration in foster care and other sectors. He stressed the importance of setting boundaries while taking risks for partnerships and emphasized the potential for increased impact through collective efforts. ## Book Information [Rooting for Rivals: How Collaboration and Generosity Increase the Impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches](https://www.amazon.com/Rooting-Rivals-Collaboration-Generosity-Charities/dp/0764231251?tag=googhydr-20&source=dsa&hvcampaign=books&gbraid=0AAAAA-byW6DQSMkt7RrEWFMu5-4zA2a4S&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqL28BhCrARIsACYJvkfaKS83Ou53-sXR_8hvCbf5rEicdAcjZikVeE6JJhL3Wg15UMdMu_IaAh1mEALw_wcB) by Peter Greer (Author), Chris Horst (Author), Jill Heisey (Author), Tom Lin (Foreword) Faith-based organizations are sometimes known for what we're against--and all too often that includes being against each other. But amid growing distrust of religious institutions, Christ-centered nonprofits have a unique opportunity to link arms and collectively pursue a calling higher than any one organization's agenda. Rooting for Rivals reveals how your ministry can multiply its impact by cooperating, rather than competing. Peter Greer and Chris Horst explore case studies illustrating the power of collaborative ministry. They also vulnerably share their own failures and successes in pursuing a kingdom mind-set. Discover the power of openhanded leadership to make a greater impact on the world. "I love the African quote, 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.' I'm grateful to Peter Greer and Chris Horst for celebrating Christ-centered teamwork and collaboration in Rooting for Rivals."--RICHARD STEARNS, president of World Vision U.S. and author of [The Hole in Our Gospel](https://www.amazon.com/Hole-Our-Gospel-10th-Anniversary/dp/0785228675/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NPUXPOHQKNJS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0qv67JgXmFmogZ5vD7oKlCSSvRxbn79-v3ZT_2XhjuYWVE6_2NtqrzNM363grQlw_14bwh0dJwrScQ1iFiHhUFW7szIaTFuN92h3sfBKNf6BYeDTUnmxshq7F6JsaSsggJz0buzKk_JorUebPATvToi3OL5cvat6r3bJNFpiPhCsfnLL3VNf0NPLFR9mPU1zWuvdImollOu0KYf7Iyqwr54aHxhnVJslZhzWHERhg9I.PwU6RoVQIlcaBuC7rIrbT8J_gO7iWqhmtdM9eFtRVmw&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+hole+in+our+gospel&qid=1737493473&sprefix=the+hole+in+our+gospel%2Caps%2C137&sr=8-1). ## Action Items - Reach out to "rival" organizations working in foster care to explore opportunities for partnership and collaboration. - Review your organization's mission and doctrinal statements to ensure they are clear, but do not use them as barriers to potential partnerships. - Consider ways to publicly celebrate and elevate the work of other Christian organizations in your community, rather than comparing your organization to them. - Identify specific operational or resource-sharing opportunities where your organization could support or be supported by other foster care providers in your area. ## Outline ### Foster Care Overview and Introduction - AJ Doyle introduces the topic of foster care, emphasizing its interconnection with issues like homelessness, addiction, and unplanned pregnancy. - The discussion highlights the scarcity in foster care, including the lack of families, adoptive homes, and support for biological families. - AJ Doyle stresses that the situation does not have to be this way, referencing God's promise of abundance. - The goal is to shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, aiming to change the lives of the 1200 kids in foster care in Iowa. ### Chris Horst's Introduction and Initial Thoughts - Chris Horst joins the conversation, discussing his background in foster care and his current work. - Chris emphasizes the importance of rooting for rivals, starting by identifying who the rivals are. - He encourages participants to write down the names of organizations or people they consider rivals for further discussion. - Chris highlights the need to recognize commonalities with rivals to foster collaboration. ### Collaboration in Bible Translation - Chris shares an example from Bible translation, where multiple organizations were working on the same language without knowing each other. - He discusses the redundancy and lack of collaboration in various sectors, including foster care. - Chris points out that territorialism and tribalism in the church prevent achieving the full mission and fruitfulness intended by God. - He references biblical examples of rivalry and division, emphasizing the need for unity. ### The Role of Collaboration in Bible Translation Success - Chris explains how collaboration in Bible translation has accelerated the process, with the goal of translating the Bible into every language by 2033. - He shares the story of Mark Green and Todd Peterson, who advocated for interdependent work among Bible translation organizations. - The formation of the [IllumiNations](https://illuminations.bible/) initiative brought together 10 organizations to work collaboratively, leading to significant progress. - Chris emphasizes the importance of relationships and trust in achieving collaboration. ### Challenges and Opportunities in Collaboration - Chris acknowledges the challenges of collaboration, including the need to overcome territorialism and tribalism. - He discusses the importance of having a shared mission and focusing on the kingdom rather than individual organizations. - Chris shares personal anecdotes and experiences that illustrate the benefits of collaboration and the pitfalls of a scarcity mindset. - He encourages participants to adopt an abundance mindset and to see collaboration as a way to achieve greater impact. ### Practical Steps for Collaboration in Foster Care - Chris provides practical examples of how collaboration can be implemented in foster care, such as sharing resources and building relationships. - He shares stories of organizations that have taken small steps towards collaboration, like open-sourcing their blueprints and building relationships with rivals. - Chris emphasizes the importance of taking risks and being open to partnerships, even with organizations that hold different views. - He encourages participants to think about how they can collaborate in their own contexts and to focus on the greater mission of God's kingdom. ### Q&A Session - AJ Doyle introduces the Q&A session, asking Chris about the benefits of collaboration in foster care. - Chris explains that collaboration is essential in foster care due to its complexity and the high demands it places on individuals and organizations. - He discusses the importance of having a shared mission and working together to support children in foster care. - Chris addresses the role of doctrinal statements in setting boundaries for partnerships, emphasizing the need to be public about one's beliefs while taking risks to collaborate. ### Unexpected Benefits of Collaboration - Chris shares examples of unexpected practical benefits of collaboration, such as increased fundraising and operational efficiencies. - He discusses how collaboration can lead to greater impact and more effective use of resources. - Chris encourages participants to think about how collaboration can benefit their own work and to take small steps towards building partnerships. - He concludes by emphasizing the importance of a kingdom-focused approach and the potential for significant impact through collaboration. ### Closing Remarks and Encouragement - AJ Doyle thanks Chris for his insights and encourages participants to think about how they can apply the principles of collaboration in their own contexts. - Chris reiterates the importance of collaboration and the potential for greater impact when organizations work together. - The session ends with a call to action for participants to take steps towards collaboration and to focus on the greater mission of God's kingdom. - Participants are encouraged to continue the conversation and to explore opportunities for collaboration in their communities.