I am using Obsidian Publish to build this site. Obsidian by itself is a powerful application with a myriad of ways to customize the app, but Obsidian Publish is limited. Many of the best plugins for Obsidian (dataview, for example) will not work with Obsidian Publish. Prior to moving to Obsidian Publish in mid-2024, I maintained my site using WordPress. While WordPress is better for maintaining a blog, Obsidian is better for [[Reference/Recall Summaries/Knowledge management]]. The process of creating and maintaining a website using Obsidian Publish is new to me. I am still learning (mostly) the limitations of Obsidian Publish in comparison to Obsidian. To be honest, in spite of the rapid growth of Obsidian's user base, there are not a lot of sites built with Obsidian Publish, which might point to it's overall limitations. ### One Vault or Two? Many of the influencers who push Obsidian do so as a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) tool. This means keeping a lot of personal information inside of Obsidian, starting with your Daily Note, which is a form of journaling. Knowing I intended to publish my Obsidian Vault, I was hesitant to use Obsidian for personal journaling and PKM. Often, I capture a lot of articles and papers that are copyrighted by others, and I did not want to think about whether I could captures something and then possibly have it published to my site. Instead, I will continue to use Evernote as my primary capture tool and reference library. As a result, anything I put into this Obsidian Vault I know will be published to my site. ### Why Develop This Site? This is a complicated question for me. On the one hand, I don't see a ton of value in developing and maintaining a personal website in 2024. The early days of hubris and "owning" your own domain name are long go. Honestly, I really don't care. On the other hand, I do see some value in collecting and organizing (at this point) 35-plus years of writing, thinking, collecting, and researching various topics. Is this of value to anyone else? Probably not. Is it something I enjoy doing? Yes. For that reason--because I enjoy working on something like this--I will put my knowledge base online. Hopefully, for some, it will be a blessing. ### Example Sites Built with Obsidian Publish I am tracking [[Example Sites Built with Obsidian]] to both learn and draw inspiration from. ### Obsidian Plugins and Features That Do Not Work On Published Sites - Dataview - Obsidian Canvas ### Obsidian Publish Tips and Tricks - [[Creating Dataview Queries with ChatGPT]]